Our Research

Our Research

The Department of Clinical Medicine’s focus is on achieving an intersection between research, teaching and clinical care that will drive improved healthcare and health outcomes for our patients and the wider community.

Research staff and their research interests

MQ Health’s unique medical precinct continues to attract a visionary group of researchers, both basic and clinical, who translate their science into the hospital’s clinical setting.

Explore our research profiles and publications.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory

Professor Tristan Yan, BSc (Med), MBBS, MS, MD, PhD, FRACS
Yan is a cardiothoracic surgeon with advanced specialty fellowships in the United States, England, Scotland and Germany. Academically he is widely published in high-impact journals, and he is a strong advocate of evidence-based medicine. He supervises PhD research fellows with a specific focus on cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.

Associate Professor Andy Yong, MBBS (Hons I), PhD, FRACP, FCSANZ, FACC
Dr Yong is a recognised world expert in the field of coronary physiology. He is a clinical interventional cardiologist with an interest in translational cardiovascular research. His group at Macquarie University is focused on developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools that can be applied to the care of patients with heart and vascular diseases.


Professor Howard Gurney, MBBS (Hons), FRACP
Gurney is the Discipline Head of Medical Oncology and Director of Clinical Trials at Macquarie University. He has a background in clinical research and has sub-specialty interests in urogenital cancers, including prostate, bladder, testis, and kidney cancer. He has extensive experience in clinical trials in GU cancers, including the use of immunotherapy, targeted agents, and other novel compounds. He has been the principal investigator for over 100 phase 1, 2, and 3 trials.

Professor David Gillatt MB ChB FRCS FRCS(E) FRCS (Urol) FRACS ChM
Gillatt is Professor of Urological Oncology and Robotics and Director of Medical Services at MQ Health. He is recognised as one of world’s foremost robotic surgeons in the treatment of both prostate and bladder cancers with more than 25 years’ experience. His research interests are both in clinical trials and basic science and for 16 years was the Bristol Chief Investigator for the national ProtecT study. David has expertise in the discovery and optimisation of biomarkers for early prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis, and in the effect of ketamine abuse on bladder function.


Louise Koelmeyer is the Director of the Australian Lymphoedema Education, Research and Treatment (ALERT) program at Macquarie University and is involved in strategically managing and developing the education, research and treatment arms of the innovative multidisciplinary program. Louise is an occupational and lymphoedema therapist, educator and researcher with over 29  years of experience in both public and private settings specialising in breast cancer rehabilitation and lymphoedema management.

Associate Professor Hiroo Suami, MD, PhD
Suami is a reconstructive plastic surgeon and world authority on the morphological research of the lymphatic system. He has developed a new method to visualise the lymphatic system in animals and human cadavers, a world-first procedure which enables the lymphatic system to be mapped into defined territories called ‘lymphosomes’. He joined Macquarie University in October 2015 after seven years with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in the US.


Associate Professor Anand Deva, BSc (Med), MBBS (Hons), MS, FRACS (Plast)
Associate Professor Karen Vickery, BVSc (Hons), MVSc, Ph

Deva and Vickery work in the area of bacterial contamination in medicine and surgery. They are currently investigating bacterial biofilms in wounds, breast implants, cystic fibrosis, orthopaedic plates and the dental environment.


Motor Neurone Disease

Professor Dominic Rowe, BSc (Med), MBBS (Hons), FRACP, PhD
Rowe is a practicing clinician in general neurology and is particularly interested in the diseases of the human brain that occur as a consequence of neurodegenerative disease.


Professor Marcus Stoodley, MBBS, PhD, FRACSP
Stoodley is a neurovascular surgeon with a research specialisation in the pathophysiology of syringomyelia and in developing new biological treatments for brain arteriovenous malformations.

Professor Antonio Di Ieva, MD, PhD, FRACS
Professor Di Ieva is a neurosurgeon, neuroanatomist and computational neuroscientist with research expertise in brain/skull base tumours and in the application of computational modelling and Artificial Intelligence to diseases of neurological and neurosurgical interest. He leads the Computational NeuroSurgery Lab at Macquarie University.

Ophthalmology and Vision Science

Professor Stuart Graham, MBBS, PhD, MS, FRANZCO
Professor Alexander Klistorner, MD, PhD

Graham’s team conducts research in human and rodent models of eye disease including glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. Using high-resolution imaging and high-speed retinal cameras, his team is investigating the molecular biology of ganglion cell survival pathways and neurodegeneration.

Dr Vivek K Gupta MSc, PhD
Dr Gupta is the NHMRC Dementia Leadership Fellow and NHMRC Career Development Fellowship awardee. As the group leader for the "Vision Neurodegeneration" group, he and his team utilise the retina and visual system as a model to investigate mechanisms underlying retinal disorders such as glaucoma and macular degeneration and various brain neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Research facilities

Our research is enabled by a variety of top-quality research facilities:

  • The University’s largest lab certified to Physical Containment Level 2 (PC2);
  • High-performance computing facilities for molecular modelling;
  • Simulation laboratory for medical training, anatomy laboratory and purpose-built physiotherapy facilities;
  • Unique animal and cell models supported by a zebrafish laboratory and advanced imagery rigs including a Kodak in-vivo imaging system for whole body imaging of small animals;
  • Quality equipment for tissue collection, laser microdissection, sampling, testing and analysis such as: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC); real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine; Instron tensile testing system; and Optronis camera and retinal vessel analyser;
  • On-campus clinics and hospital with current imaging capabilities, including two high-field 3 Tesla MRI scanners and a PET-CT scanner.

Student research and study opportunities

Students of all academic levels have a range of opportunities to engage with our research teams and participate in further study and research.

These opportunities include:

Bachelor of Clinical Science: A fast-track two-year bachelor degree for high-achieving students, designed to help them gain the professional skills needed for a future career in the medical, allied health or medical research professions.

Master of Research (MRes): A two year, full-time program with a unique combination of advanced coursework and research training that replaces most honours as the main pathway to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil).

Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research (BPhil/MRes): Is a unique combination of advanced two-year coursework and research training consisting of an advanced undergraduate study program exploration of research frontiers in your discipline and a master’s level postgraduate research training program. You'll specialise in research preparation and focus on a specific research topic at the sub-discipline level.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): The PhD program with the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences allows students as well as medical professionals and surgeons to pursue their interest in advanced research within a specific area within the various departments.

Research related resources for staff and students

For advice about research funding or research strategy, or answers to general research questions: fmhhs.researchsupport@mq.edu.au or visit the FMHHS research resources website.

Content owner: Clinical Medicine Last updated: 12 Mar 2024 9:56am

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