Level 3
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Enhancing equitable access to learning
We help increase access to education and opening pathways to success and progression.
Widening participation initiatives seek to redress inequity of access to, and participation in, educational opportunities experienced by students from regional and remote, first nations and low socioeconomic backgrounds.
What we do
Macquarie University was founded as a university of service, innovation, engagement and inclusivity. Our team is committed to meeting the University’s commitment to these values.
To empower students from equity groups, we focus on:
How we're making a difference
We're broadening the community of equitable practice through awareness, advocacy, research, collaboration and partnerships. Our engagement programs include:
- curriculum aligned learning opportunities
- mentoring and support
- regional outreach
- scholarships and grants
- student learning pathways
- community engagement.
Widening Participation initiatives are supported by the Commonwealth Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP).
If you are interested in furthering the opportunities for students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in Higher Education, contact us at wpu@mq.edu.au.