Payment review
Macquarie University is committed to transparency.
Frequently asked questions
The following frequently asked questions (FAQs) aim to answer common queries Macquarie University staff members may have about the University’s payment review of casual academic staff payments.
If you have any concerns that are not addressed here, please email
Why did Macquarie University commence a payment review of casual academic staff payments?
Macquarie University initiated a payment review of casual academic staff payments in response to widespread reports of underpayment in our sector.
We identified this as a possible risk. It was not a requirement from TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency), the Fair Work Ombudsman or the Australian Taxation Office.
What did we learn through the payment review of casual academic staff payments?
There is a high level of accuracy in our payments, integrity in the implementation of the Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement (ASEA) and no deliberate underpayments of staff. However, some issues were identified that have resulted in both under and over payments.
Why did the payment review only investigate casual academic staff?
In recent years a number of payment issues at universities and other higher education entities have emerged. These issues have primarily related to casual academic staff and the implementation of complex employment conditions. We saw this as an opportunity to audit our processes and systems.
A specific review of professional staff payments will occur this year.
Does this affect all casual academic staff?
No, this does not affect all casual academic staff. Our review found a high level of accuracy across the University's payment processes. Current staff who may have received a payment shortfall have been contacted directly by us. Former casual academic staff members who have been identified will also be directly contacted.
What were the issues that led to under- and overpayments?
There were a number of factors identified. In particular, underpayments were the result of one or more of the following:
- Incomplete or no information about the topic taught recorded in the timesheet.
- The academic activity recorded (such as Lectures or Tutorials) did not properly include an “Initial” delivery in each teaching week.
- The timeliness of submission and/or approval of hours and subsequent payment.
- Submitted and approved hours subsequently modified.
- Submitted and approved hours not yet paid due to either an exception identified in normal processes and these hours need to be corrected and reprocessed, and/or an employee’s essential payment documentation was incomplete.
What has been done to ensure this does not occur again?
The payment review has helped us identify issues in our reporting and systems, and how our procedures are communicated to staff and supervisors. Some improvements will be implemented quickly, such as enhancing the Payroll Reconciliation Dashboard, collecting and storing academic qualifications, and expanding academic activity codes to support more accurate timesheet entry, while others are longer term, such as improving the connection of some other university source systems to HR and Payroll.
In what circumstances will I receive a payment?
You will receive a payment as part of this process where it has been identified that you may not have received full payment for work undertaken. You may have been paid, but did not receive your full salary entitlements, or there may be approved hours for which you have not yet been paid – or both.
What is the time period of the review?
The review period is from 1 January 2016 to 30 November 2022.
How many casual academic staff are affected?
There are approximately 1,033 current and former employees affected from a total group of 5337 casual academic staff during this period.
What is the value of the underpayments identified through the payment review?
The payment review calculated circa $674,000 as total gross underpayments. This represents less than 0.5% of the total payments made to the casual academic staff cohort. This is a revised figure following payments that have been corrected through normal processing after 30 November 2022.
Will interest be paid on the payment?
Yes, all payments will include an additional sum in recognition that affected staff have not had access to these payments. The interest that has been applied is based on the Federal Court of Australia's prejudgment interest rate.
Does the payment attract superannuation?
Payments made to staff fall under the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) definition of ordinary time earnings (OTE) and will, therefore, attract the current Superannuation Guarantee rate which will be paid at the current rate of 10.5%. The interest component of the payment does not attract superannuation.
When will the payment be made?
Payments will be made to affected staff in stages commencing March 2023. Calculation will be based on the individual circumstances of each staff member, and, affected staff will be advised in writing of the details of their gross payment.
Will the payment appear on my income statement?
For current staff members, payment details will be on their payslip which can be accessed via Workday.
All payments will be included on income statements through the Single Touch Payroll process.
I didn’t receive a personal notification about underpayments. How can I be sure I have been appropriately paid?
The payment review process was rigorous, and the University was assisted by an external firm (PricewaterhouseCoopers). Based on the information available, we are confident we have appropriately addressed the pay issues identified by the review, and will be proactively contacting impacted current and former employees who are entitled to receive a back-payment. If you do have concerns, please outline these in an email to
Have any overpayments been identified during the payment review?
Yes. The casual academic staff payment review confirmed that we have also overpaid staff.
Will the University seek to recover overpayments?
No. The University will not seek to recover any past overpayments. It will improve its processes, reporting and systems to identify and correct any potential future overpayment risks. However, where an individual has both an under- and overpayment, there are limited circumstances where these amounts may be set off.
Can I access more information about how I have been affected?
Of course. If you have received an individual email from us notifying that you’ve been identified as potentially affected, the HR team will be able to provide you with specific information. If you don’t receive further information before the end of February, please email
Who can I speak to for more information?
Please contact the University’s HR team at
We will endeavor to respond to your query within three business days.
I have also been employed by the University for positions other than as casual academic staff. Were those payments correct?
A specific review relating to professional staff payments will occur in 2023.
What do I need to do if I am no longer employed by Macquarie University?
If you are an affected staff member, the University will make every effort to contact you based on its records. Following contact, you will be asked to provide any relevant and essential employment documents such as updated working rights, taxation, banking, and superannuation details.