Early entry and scholarships

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  6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student engagement
  7. Early entry and scholarships

Creating a pathway to success

Our admissions pathway creates an avenue for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply for tertiary education.

View the options available to you below.


Each year Macquarie University awards around $6 million in scholarships, most of which are given on the basis of academic merit, diversity, leadership capabilities, financial hardship and/or key achievements such as sports and voluntary experience. There’s a wide range of scholarships for students from all backgrounds, so be sure to check out what’s on offer. See all available scholarships.

Level 3, 6 First Walk
Macquarie University
North Ryde NSW 2109
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Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) scholarships are funded by the Commonwealth Government.

  • The ISSP Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship (ICECS) assists Indigenous students with demonstrated financial hardship to meet the costs associated with higher education.

    Learn more about ICECS and how to apply.

  • The ISSP Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (ICAS) assists Indigenous students relocating from regional or rural areas — with demonstrated financial hardship — to meet the costs associated with accessing higher education.

    Learn more about ICAS and how to apply.

The Macquarie University Dunmore Lang College (DLC) Regional and Rural scholarship was created in recognition of the initial and ongoing costs of relocating from regional and rural Australia to study at Macquarie University.

Eligibility: New undergraduate students relocating from regional and rural Australia.

In addition to demonstrating that an applicant is relocating from regional or rural Australia, successful applicants will need to demonstrate:

  • financial need
  • capacity to triumph over hardship
  • leadership potential
  • community involvement
  • they are a new undergraduate domestic student at Macquarie University and have not studied at university before.

Please note:applicants' permanent residence postcode will be used in the first instance to assess whether they are relocating from a regional or remote area.

Value: A fully-funded standard room at DLC for up to four years of undergraduate study, contingent on meeting ongoing eligibility criteria.

Applications: Applications for 2021 are now closed.

The purpose of the scholarship is to assist Indigenous students in financial need with accommodation costs support while living in Macquarie University Robert Menzies College (RMC).

Eligibility: New or continuing Indigenous students with demonstrated financial need living at RMC.

Value: $8000 per year ($4000 per half-year), renewable for up to four years contingent on meeting ongoing eligibility criteria.

The scholarship will be paid as a rebate on accommodation fees.

Application: Applications for 2021 are now closed.

The Macquarie University Garrawi Indigenous Scholarship was established in 2005 to encourage Indigenous students to undertake postgraduate studies at Macquarie. It is awarded to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated commitment to Indigenous community advancement.

Eligibility: Postgraduate student of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Eligibility criteria for this scholarship include:

  • academic merit
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • enrolled or intending to enrol in a postgraduate coursework program
  • demonstrated commitment to course work
  • demonstrated commitment to Indigenous community advancement
  • demonstrated leadership qualities
  • capacity to triumph over hardship. Hardships may include: financial disadvantage, sole parent or carer responsibilities, non-English speaking or Indigenous background, effects of trauma and/or abuse, long-term medical condition or disability, or coming from a rural or remote area.

Value: $2500 tenable for one year only.

Application: Applications for 2021 are now closed.

Contact the Coursework Scholarships and Prizes team:

T: +61 (2) 9850 7337
E: csap@mq.edu.au