Committees of Academic Senate

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  4. Structure and governance
  5. Academic Senate
  6. Committees of Academic Senate
The University’s principal academic body The University’s repository for approved policy documents

Information on Committees of Academic Senate

Committees consider the detailed academic business of Academic Senate and consist of academic and professional staff as well as student representatives.

Academic Senate has established several committees to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities and obligations under the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Macquarie University By-Law 2005.

In accordance with Clause 36(a) of the Academic Senate Rules, Academic Senate may determine its own procedures. The Committees of the Academic Senate are established under these Rules, and meetings are conducted in accordance with the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure, subject to the Macquarie University Act, By-laws and Macquarie University Rules.

At its meeting of 19 November 2024, Academic Senate approved the establishment of the Academic Senate Education Committee, the Academic Senate Research Committee and the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee from 1 January 2025. Senate also approved the disestablishment of the Academic Standards and Quality Committee, the Research and Research Training Committee and the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee from the same date.

Our committees