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  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
  3. Departments and schools
  4. Department of Linguistics
  5. Study with us

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Join one of the world’s best research and clinical environments – learning from world-renowned experts in the most diverse and largest linguistics department in Australia.

Today’s globalised communities need experts in multilingual communication who can translate and interpret languages for work, life and education. The study of linguistics also enables speech and audiology professionals to help participation in everyday life by people with communication disabilities and hearing loss.

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More information

Contact us for any linguistics course enquiries:

L5, 12 Second Way and
LG, L1 and L2 Australian Hearing Hub,
16 University Ave, Macquarie University NSW 2109
Find out more about the experts teaching your degree Our staff publish articles, journals, chapters and books High quality clinical placements and learning experiences Australian Hearing Hub MQ Health hospital Centre for Language Sciences Multilingualism Research Centre Hearing Education Application Research (HEAR)