Translation and Interpreting Program

Translation and Interpreting Program

T & I program

Today’s globalised world and societies need experts in interlingual and intercultural communication. Translators and interpreters are among those specialists who facilitate equitable access to information and services, as well as exchanges between people and communities.

Why choose Macquarie T&I Program?

Close up of headphones

Our program sits in the internationally renowned Department of Linguistics (ranked at number 27 in the world in the latest QS by subject rankings), within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. This provides unique opportunities in Australia for interdisciplinary training in domains where translators and interpreters are in demand.

  • Our staff members and trainers are Translation and Interpreting scholars and practising professionals who are recognised nationally and internationally, and who are attuned to market trends and needs at local, regional, and international levels.
  • Our postgraduate courses are endorsed at the highest levels of certification by NAATI in both translation and interpreting. They are offered in two specialisations (translation-only or translation and interpreting), on a full-time or part-time basis, face-to-face and online.
  • Our program is a member of CIUTI, the Conférence Internationale d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes, the world oldest association of tertiary institutions offering degrees in translation and interpreting. Membership to CIUTI is limited to institutions that meet internationally recognised standards, and is a seal of excellence in teaching and research in T&I.
  • Our courses are adapted to the contemporary changing realities and demands of both professions and will prepare job-ready graduates equipped with skills and credentials required in diverse professional settings.
  • Our Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies and our Graduate Diploma of Translating and Interpreting are Commonwealth Supported courses (CSP).
  • Our Master of Conference Interpreting is the only one of its kind in Australia and has recently been listed on the Schools Directory of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, which includes only interpreting programs that meet AIIC's training criteria.

Courses and curriculum overview

A student in class

Our curriculum is adapted to the contemporary changing realities and demands of both professions and disciplines and will adequately prepare job-ready graduates.

  • In translation, the focus is primarily on professional practice and the use of technology for various contexts of work (business, government, law, literature, medicine, science), but also on audiovisual translation and media accessibility, translation technology, terminology management, localisation, project management, publishing and editing.

  • In interpreting, training caters for all modes of interpreting and for specialised settings (business, diplomacy, education, healthcare, law, international meetings and conferences) and incorporates the use of modern technology and equipment to prepare graduates to industry emerging trends (e.g. distance interpreting, remote simultaneous interpreting, respeaking/transpeaking).

Postgraduate courses:

Courses are offered in the following languages paired with English: Auslan, Chinese (Mandarin), French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. *

Double degrees options:

*Other languages may be on offer depending on demand.

Short courses and professional development

Our T&I program also offers short courses targeted at practising translators and interpreters who wish to undertake further training in specific T&I areas.

More information on our short course program will be coming soon.


Our postgraduate courses are endorsed at the highest levels of certification by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in both translation and interpreting.

This means our courses have been approved by NAATI and will prepare graduates for the currently offered certification tests.

For more information on NAATI and the Certification Scheme:

Our facilities

Students in class

Classes are taught in easily accessible and state-of-the-art facilities.

A dedicated translation computer lab is equipped with subtitling technology, world-leading Translation Environment Tools, and software** in use in the industry (Memsource*, Trados, WinCAPS).

*We would like to thank Memsource for granting free access to the Memsource Academic Edition to our students.

**Tuition fees include the provision of all software taught during the program. Mac users must provide their own virtual machine or parallel desktop application.

Training in interpreting is delivered in a purpose-built lab using audio and video dedicated equipment, as well as soundproof ISO compliant booths equipped with Bosch interpreting consoles and desks.

Industry engagement

Our engagement with many industry partners allows industry seminars and workshops, practicum and placements opportunities and provide students with real world experience and a better understanding of professional practice. Our curriculum includes the practice of Wordfast translation tools, courtesy of Wordfast LLC.

Higher Degrees by Research

Our program also offers a Master by Research and a PhD in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

Our research strengths

Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies at Macquarie University reflects the multidimensionality of translation and interpreting as cognitive activities embedded in complex local and global multilingual settings. Given this multidimensionality, our research is highly interdisciplinary, connecting with linguistics, psychology, cognitive sciences, health and arts.

Our researchers have an interest in the following areas:

  • audiovisual translation and accessibility
  • cognitive processing in translation and interpreting production and reception
  • community and conference interpreting
  • corpus linguistics and translation/interpreting
  • discourse and text analysis in translation and interpreting
  • ethnography and sociology of translation and interpreting
  • intercultural communication
  • sign language interpreting
  • translation and interpreting pedagogy and didactics
  • translation and interpreting technology.

Content owner: Department of Linguistics Last updated: 18 Jul 2024 12:06pm

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