Status: Closed

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the Australian Laureate Fellowship.


The objectives of the Australian Laureate Fellowship scheme are to:

  • attract and retain outstanding researchers and research leaders of international reputation, with exceptional ability to lead, collaborate, mentor and supervise, and enhance their capacity to create an enduring legacy
  • build focus and scale in research by forging new links among researchers, the international research community and/or industry and other research end-users
  • support a program of innovative and ground-breaking research that addresses a significant problem or gap in knowledge
  • create a cohesive research program and implementation plan that represents value for money
  • provide an excellent research training environment and exemplary opportunity to nurture early or mid-career researchers
  • produce new or advanced knowledge resulting from the outcomes of the research with economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia, and to enhance research in Australian Government priority areas.

The Administering Organisation must provide a salary of a Level E professorial appointment (or equivalent) for the Australian Laureate Fellow, with the ARC providing the salary supplement.

The level of salary supplement that will be provided by the ARC for an Australian Laureate Fellow is $179,840 per annum (2023$), including 30 per cent on-costs.

In addition to the salary supplement and salary-related (on-cost) support, the ARC may provide:

  • funding for two postdoctoral research associates (PDRAs) for five years each
  • two postgraduate researchers (PGRs) for four years each
  • project funding of up to $300,000 per year for five years
  • additional funding of up to $20,000 per year for use as part of the ambassadorial role to promote women in research.

Changes to Eligibility for DVCR Co-Funding

Eligibility for the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme is now contingent upon on-time submission of grant applications by your compliance and eligibility check date. Many applications for external funding require cash and in-kind contributions from the host institution in order to be considered for funding. In most cases, researchers request cash contributions, such as project support funds, funding for research associates, scholarships and major equipment, from the DVCR via the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme to support their external funding applications.

To be eligible to request this DVCR Co-Funding, grant applications must be submitted internally, via Pure, by your compliance and eligibility check date.

  • Applications must be submitted to the Research Services Grant Development Team by your compliance and eligibility check date.
  • View further information on deadlines, processes and FAQs.
  • Applications that do not have a Pure record and/or do not have all the appropriate approvals in Pure (Head of Department [HoD] and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation [DDRI]) will not be submitted to the external funding body.
Dates for funding commencing in 2025
  • Release of ARC Grant Guidelines: TBA
  • ARC opening date in RMS: Thursday 22 August 2024
  • Strategic review (optional): Submit your complete draft application to the Research Office in the ARC RMS by Wednesday 4 September 2024
  • Compliance and eligibility check (mandatory): Submit your draft application to the Research Office in the ARC RMS by Wednesday 18 September 2024
  • ARC request not to assess close: Monday 25 September 2024
  • Research Services submission to ARC: Wednesday 2 October 2024
  • Rejoinder period: 19 November to 12 December 2024
  • Outcomes expected: 9 to 19 May 2025

ARC dates are indicative and are subject to change.

Notification of Intent (NOI)

Complete a Notification of Intent to inform your Faculty and the University Research Services teams of your intention to submit an application. After completing this NOI, you will be provided with regular updates about your funding scheme and sent valuable resources that will assist you in developing a highly competitive research grant application.

Resources for the previous round (funding commencing in 2024):
ARC information
Macquarie resources